Monday, January 31, 2011

Find the Treasure

A man was exploring caves by the Seashore. In one of the caves, he found a canvas bag with a bunch of hardened clay balls. It was like someone had rolled clay balls and left them out in the sun to bake.

They didn't look like much, but they intrigued the man, so he took the bag out of the cave with him. As he strolled along the beach, he would throw the clay balls one at a time out into the ocean as far as he could.

He thought little about it, until he dropped one of the clay balls and it cracked open on a rock. Inside was a beautiful, precious stone!

Excited, the man started breaking open the remaining clay balls. Each contained a similar treasure. He found thousands of dollars worth of jewels in the 20 or so clay balls he had left.

Then it struck him. He had been on the beach a long time. He had thrown maybe 50 or 60 of the clay balls, with their hidden treasure, into the ocean waves. Instead of thousands of dollars in treasure, he could have taken home tens of thousands but he had just thrown it away!

It's like that with people. We look at someone, maybe even ourselves, and we see the external clay vessel. It doesn't look like much from the outside. It isn't always beautiful or sparkling, so we discount it. We see that person as less important than someone more beautiful or stylish or well known or wealthy. But we have not taken the time to find the treasure hidden inside that person.
There is a treasure in each and every one of us. If we take the time to get to know that person, and if we ask God to show us that person the way He sees them, then the clay begins to peel away and the brilliant gem begins to shine forth

May we not come to the end of our lives and find out that we have thrown away a fortune in friendships because the gems were hidden in bits of clay. May we see the people in our world as God sees them.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Acres of Diamonds

One of the most interesting Americans who lived in the 19th century was a man by the name of Russell Herman Conwell. He was born in 1843 and lived until 1925. He was a lawyer for about fifteen years until he became a clergyman.

One day, a young man went to him and told him he wanted a college education but couldn't swing it financially. Dr. Conwell decided, at that moment, what his aim in life was,besides being a man of cloth - that is. He decided to build a university for unfortunate, but deserving, students. He did have a challenge, however. He would need a few million dollars to build the university. For Dr. Conwell, and anyone with real purpose in life,nothing could stand in the way of his goal.

Several years before this incident, Dr. Conwell was tremendously intrigued by a true story - with its ageless moral. The story was about a farmer who lived in Africa and through a visitor became tremendously excited about looking for diamonds. Diamonds were already discovered in abundance on the African continent and this farmer got so excited about the idea of millions of dollars worth of diamonds that he sold his farm to head out to the diamond line. He wandered all over the continent, as the years slipped by, constantly searching for diamonds, wealth, which he never found. Eventually he went completely broke and threw himself into a river and drowned.

Meanwhile, the new owner of his farm picked up an unusual looking rock about the size of a country egg and put it on his mantle as a sort of curiosity. A visitor stopped by and in viewing the rock practically went into terminal convulsions. He told the new owner of the farm that the funny looking rock on his mantle was about the biggest diamond that had ever been found. The new owner of the farm said, "Heck, the whole farm is covered with them" - and sure enough it was.

The farm turned out to be the Kimberly Diamond Mine...the richest the world has ever known. The original farmer was literally standing on "Acres of Diamonds" until he sold his farm.

Dr. Conwell learned from the story of the farmer and continued to teach it's moral. Each of us is right in the middle of our own "Acre of Diamonds", if only we would realize it and develop the ground we are standing on before charging off in search of greener pastures. Dr. Conwell told this story many times and attracted enormous audiences. He told the story long enough to have raised the money to start the college for underprivileged deserving students. In fact, he raised nearly six million dollars and the university he founded, Temple University in Philadelphia, has at least ten degree-granting colleges and six other schools.

When Doctor Russell H. Conwell talked about each of us being right on our own "Acre of Diamonds", he meant it. This story does not get will be true forever...

Opportunity does not just come along - it is there all the time - we just have to see it

Sunday, January 23, 2011

First Step

No matter if your goal is big or small, personal or professional, tangible or conceptual, you come closer to it by taking the FIRST STEP.

Have you ever read those motivational one-liners, inspirational stories or self-help books, found them wonderful, felt good about them – and then nothing changed? Have you sifted through web pages and "how to" magazine articles, and still found yourself exactly where you were? What happened? How can we so full-heartedly agree with what those articles tell us, and then still end up not following through? Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a magic wand, whoosh, and our dreams and goals would be reality? 

Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to work that way. Achieving our goals takes "effort" we hear, it takes "commitment", it takes "persistence", we have to "endure" and keep "working at it." Well, if you are like me, those concepts don’t sound the least bit appealing. There seems to be this huge mountain that I need to climb to get to the top, and frankly, I feel already tired and worn out just by looking at the heights I’ll have to conquer. Result: I choose to wander around at the foot of the mountain, looking wistfully at the top, imagining what it must be like up there, but never taking a step to get closer to it.

There may not be a magic wand to catapult us to the top, but the journey up there definitely does NOT have to be hard work, tough and without joy. If I could only find a way to make the road a pleasant one, one that doesn’t feel like I have to grit my teeth to get on.

This is an invitation for you to find out if you can take the first step without drudgery. And then the next. See how far you get without it becoming a begrudged "have to." Try this out. You can stop the moment you feel uncomfortable. 

What inspires me to take steps and do things I have postponed or avoided so far? A sense of adventure? The knowledge I have the freedom to turn around any moment? The curiosity of what it would be like to actually begin the journey I’ve been dreaming about for so long?

The answer is: results. Now. Not at the end of the journey. Now. Give me something right now. So let’s try this:

Make a commitment to yourself to follow the goal described below for one hour. When it is achieved, congratulate yourself and extend the goal for another hour. Keep going until you’ve done it for one day. After that, you may rest and suspend the goal for a while if you wish. Or you may feel so encouraged that you don’t want to stop. You may find it irresistible to keep going. And this is the goal:

Keep your word. If you promise your boss, "I’ll do it right away" do it right away. If your friend calls you and you say "I’ll call you back", call them back. If you remember that you wanted to pay your bills last night and didn’t, recommit to a new deadline and KEEP THE DEADLINE. Make a list of things you want to get done TODAY and then make sure you do them before the clock strikes midnight.

Feel free to take on as little or as much as you want for one day. But KEEP YOUR WORD under all circumstances. No excuses. Do not allow anything or anyone to come between and your word. For one day. And see what happens. See how you suddenly feel different about yourself. See how you feel more powerful, more in control, more optimistic – just by keeping your word. Live your word like it is the only thing that you have. One day. At a time.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Year Of Discovery

- Marlene Buffa

When the clock strikes midnight at the end of December 31st, we realize that we ran out of the old year. The end of the road for those actions pursuing dreams which could have been completed in the year. It's done, it's over, it's gone. When we put the new calendar on the wall, we begin with January and realize that we have 365 days to again create the life we choose to live. Instead of mindlessly crossing off each day as though it were something to endure, this year look at the coming months as part of a grand adventure. Open each monthly treasure with eager eyes and be willing to discover the gems of life!

January - Open Doors
Januarius, the Roman god of doors and gates invites up to step through time into the possibility of living a fully engaged existence. Our spiritual doors can either swing easily into the unknown or remain so warped and stuck that life pries them open as they creak and resist, pushing us reluctantly across the threshold. Providing a means to enter into the future, January welcomes us to start again, discover new ideas and possibilities and plan for the future. 

February - Heartbeat 
Life beats within every living creature, and in February we honor the rhythm of life. Our hearts celebrate Valentine's Day and the sharing of the most precious human emotion - love! Over time, the symbolic heart grew to represent love. The pulse of life which keeps our bodies alive, also keeps tempo with love. Our hearts may "skip a beat" when the subject of our affection enters the room, or our hearts may "sink" when we experience disappointment. When we discover the passion which fuels our spiritual engines, we know we've met our heart's desire.

March - Winds Of Change
Fresh air arrives in a flowing movement, on a current of ever changing composition. We sense a storm brewing, or smell oncoming rain. Wind brings with it a cleansing and sweeping away of old ideas and dusty routines and requires only that we allow it to "blow over" and experience the freshness of a new experience. Sure a strong breeze may stir up a bit of dust and confuse things for awhile, but noticing which of our old habits ceremoniously blew away, we understand how much better off we are without them. Accepting constant change frees us to discover an ever changing climate of possibilities.

April - Preparing For Growth
Just as the earth begins to prepare for planting crops with nourishing rain and warming temperatures, April offers us a chance to experience a downpour of blessings to ready us for new opportunities for growth. When we understand the storms of life not only serve to fortify us with revitalizing force, we see that our preparatory lessons - however harsh in impact - strengthen us to plant the seeds of what we choose to grow in our lives.

May - Planting Ideas 
Traditionally in May, we plan for our lessons in the coming year by planting seeds of inspiration notions of realization. From ideas which root from deep within our souls, to the wandering vines of far-reaching dreams, we create our future with the small little requests put into motion by digging deep in fertile soil of possibility. The Universe then takes over the germinating and sprouting of our ideas, no matter how big or small. You'll enjoy discovering that an emphatic intention, deliberately planted in the rich soil of your connection to the Infinite brings you!

June – Solstice
Like the farmer committed to his crops, June gives us a solstice of change along with the steadfast yet unseen growth of our energetic desires. The longest days of the year allow us extra time and light in which to tend to and grow our ideas. The solstice also represents a shift from days lengthening to shortening and gently reminds us that although the rules of nature never change, we can accept the transition from light to darkness and remain empowered by the cycle. In the moments of darkness we learn that when we remain eternally connected to the Infinite, we commit to living an ever-changing life of discovery!

July – Freedom
Trapped in the grid of calendar days and months, the year stretches out before us as we plan our future. Take a revolutionary step from what you did this time last year and dare to discover something new to do. Think beyond what the month offers and in climate and leisure time, and break free from what Thoreau called "a life of quiet desperation." In the symbolic month of Freedom, this July dare to venture into the freedom of your mind, your thoughts and your desires!

August – Movement
Shifting from the summer months to prepare for the changes in autumn, we often look at August as a bridge between the vacations we knew as children to the school year ahead. Passing quickly, August reminds us our work is ahead of us and to amass the momentum gained from a few months of recreation to a life of creation. We discover that movement brings change as we look toward our goals and embrace the life lessons necessary to reach even higher.

September – Learning
We begin the harvest time of the year with eagerness to reap our life's work. After a hearty spring of planting, a summer of growing, fall's impending harvest gives us a chance to enjoy the nourishment we deliberately created. In the Autumnal Equinox of our lives, we reach a balance of work and restful resolve and discover that the spiritual work we consciously and subconsciously performed benefits us if we pluck it from its foundation and put it to good use! 

October - New Ideas
As Christopher Columbus found the new world, we venture out of our comfort zones in October to seek new ideas and meaning. Fat with the abundance of soulful crops, we are full-bellied with spirit and able to allow ourselves the luxury of imagining a greater life. Halloween invites us to put on a face of someone else, even for one night, to aspire to be something different, or perhaps even better than we perceive ourselves to be. Discover something new about yourself every day!

November - Gratitude 
Giving thanks for all that we are, all we do, and all that we have keeps the laws of physics and energy in motion. Even when circumstances appear dire, gratitude finds a way to peek through and remind us that a lesson dwells deep inside the well of uncertainty. Amidst a feast of gratitude our life works. Discovering a morsel of positive thought brings about a cornucopia of daily blessings.

December – Rejuvenation
Winding down the calendar year, the Winter Solstice shifts the planet from shorter to longer days. Our harvest long-since stored for use in the coming winter months, December offers time for rest and reflection. Our spirits celebrate the much anticipated lighter days while using the darkness to turn within and rebuild our souls. Take the time to discover all the ways you move from darkness to light, and from storing your good to gladly sharing it with the world.

As long as people attempted to capture time in a calendar, restrictions on timepieces, measurement and ceremony moved into our consciousness. Cultures created rules about when a ritual is performed, when crops get planted, and even when to celebrate and when to relax. As you flip through the man-made calendar, know that you alone hold the key to discovering how you will live in the coming days, weeks and months. It's your life! Live it well and cherish every minute. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lesson of Insight

Once when Gandhiji was stepping aboard a train, one of his shoes slipped off and landed on the track.

He was unable to retrieve it as the train started moving.

To the amazement of his companions, Gandhiji calmly took off his other shoe and threw it back along the track to land close to the first shoe.

Asked by a fellow passenger why he did that, Gandhiji replied, "The poor man who finds the shoe lying on the track will now have a pair he can use."

Always if you have an opportunity to help others, please do with humility without expecting any gratitude

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Smile and Laugh


One of the most adoring gifts by the Almighty to the human race is SMILING and LAUGHING.

GOD has been generous in supplying this commodity to each and every individual irrespective of sex, age, religion, health and financial status and every one of us is able to produce smile or laugh under any circumstances. Even today the researchers are making deeper studies to fathom out the mystery behind producing a good laugh or smile which has become the exclusive privilege for human. The therapeutic effect of this strange emotional expression in curing varieties of ailments is being proved convincingly and even the science of YOGA has recommended it centuries back.

With in a few days of its birth a newly born infant is able to smile being its first expression to the world, saying “I am ready to interact”. That is the body language with which universal communication is possible even amongst deaf and dumb.

If human life didn’t have laughing, that would be boring and that is what makes life fun. If you can’t laugh, there is something wrong. You have got to let it out when you feel like making a hearty laugh as it is a kind of release and an expression of an emotion. It takes a little bit of humility when you can laugh yourself. Certain occasions you are provoked to laugh unmindful of the seriousness of the occasion.

There was a tragedy when an old man had lost his son in the army while he was fighting the enemy and the last rituals were going on in the traditional army fashion. His grand daughter who was only 3 years old at that time and standing just behind him remarked jovially that grand father was not having single hair on his head. The gathering including that old man had to control their laughter with great effort. Man is also provoked to laugh at people who are in trouble-not so seriously- like slipping over a banana, losing the umbrella in the heavy wind, ill dressed etc. it is very difficult for those victims to control their irritation-but a very few people are also able to laugh along with the others.

There is so much sadness in the world; it is a wonder you can laugh at all. Laughing is actually an enjoyment and also contagious as the laughter of one person can itself provoke laughter from others with out actually knowing the cause. Due to brain damage some unfortunate people in the society produce inappropriate laugh which should be viewed sympathetically. Some times we hear comments like don’t be a “laughing stock”. It implies that don’t indulge in doing nonsensical activities there by society is amused by your antics. Some times people also fake laughing when they couldn’t not understand that joke for which majority are laughing.

We also fake it just to get the good impression of individuals who are to be pleased and buttered. It is also used as weapon of mockery by over doing it. Just to prove their versatility in acting there are new comers in acting who will demonstrate varieties of laughter with different sounds and modulation, like a villain in front of a famous director. We have seen specimens where attempt is made to laugh and swallow it with out producing any sound. Some peoples’ laugh will be with unbearable sound that you are waiting when they are going to stop. When the dose of comedy is to the extreme you tend to shed tears and if you are a weak man there is every chance of pulling some muscle.

On extreme tragedy we tend to laugh off the crisis with the tinge of sarcastic. There are instances in the history that great natural humorists had cut jokes even at the time of dying. There are certain jokes that you could enjoy it again and again in spite of its repetition. Actually not only the dialogues but also the body language of the artists provoke laughter and if the rendering of the words and phrase are well timed the joke takes the maximum effect. There are certain individuals who are gifted naturally to cut jokes with least effort. It requires a high degree of intelligence and also human psychology to be a master joker. But getting jokes out of the miseries of others or by wounding the feelings of a section of the people is only in bad taste and must be avoided at all costs. It should also cater all age groups and both sex, and special effort must be done to entertain children. Vulgar jokes make the artist unpopular during the course of time and makes it impossible for him to try a come back.
There is lot of difference between laughing and smiling. SMILING is a facial expression of pleasure, happiness and amusement made near the region of mouth and cheek. Some people whom are gifted with dimples at the chin or cheek/cheeks get the benefit of smiling even when their intention is other wise. Also natural twinkle ness in the eyes of a lucky few gives the illusion of smiling. A smiling face enhances the beauty of both the sex and also play a major role in diminishing any amount of ugliness to a great extent. Also contrarily even the most beautiful of both sexes look considerably average by putting a morose face completely devoid of smiling.

Many times we make simple smile within ourselves when we are alone, recollecting happy thoughts or incidences. A smile with out exhibiting the teeth is made to greet or put the silent question of “how do you do?” We get this smile as a welcome sign from a shop keeper, at the customer care centre, or at the marriage reception. A politician at the time of seeking votes, a film artist at the public gathering makes this with a broader smile, with folded hands giving utterly a false impression that they are happier, more confident, warm and approachable. We also many a time come across contemptuous smile as a sign of hatred of aversion.

A smiling person is judged to be more pleasant, attractive, sincere, sociable and competent than a no smiling person. A smile is a universal expression of happiness and recognized as such by all cultures. After reading I will be only too happy to if you don’t indulge in laughing at me but only extend all your smiles in absentia as a token of appreciation.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Real Confidence

Ernest Llynn Lotecka

Many advisors emphatically state that confidence is a key to success, yet that key can be a bit elusive. Like all behavior, reality-based confidence is built by attending to solid supportive patterns. This means practicing the “right stuff”.

Positive and realistic self-regard is based on current awareness of personal skills and qualities. Intense competitions in work and life can evoke doubts about personal worth. And any freezing or fumbling in the past can weaken confidence for further efforts. After dealing with an overly changing and challenging world, a person’s confidence may benefit from refreshing booster shots.

To confidently present ourselves with ease requires access to positive memories. This comes from having a mental inventory stocked and organized for ready access. It takes some practice for fluent action. Here is how to get ready for challenging situations where healthy confidence is valuable.

1. Clarify your active strengths. This process, recommended by the top consultants, often entails a lengthy questionnaire. To do this quickly, answer the primary question: “What do you love doing?” The answer includes what you do for free -- and would continue doing because of the enjoyment and interest, like with hobbies or charities. You might even see an enduring pattern in your life.

2. Review your personal qualities (traditionally called “virtues”). These are your great personal values that go with you, although they may not be job-related. Examples include being honest, energetic, empathetic, determined, careful, respectful, loyal, cooperative, dedicated and adaptive. Why are you a good and valuable person?

3. Relate your active strengths and personal qualities to your accomplishments. Accomplishments can be any results valued by you and confirmed by others. Go over your achievements as far back as you can remember. Replay these valued memories like replaying scenes from a favorite movie. It is easier to do when relaxing. 

List all the above as they come to mind – and keep reviewing the list until you have your whole collection memorized. If you are aiming for a particular job or role, focus on any assets relevant to that situation. Also, keep an open mind about ones that might be possible additions.

Awareness of specific needs can make the decisive difference. Bottom line: Consider how your performance can serve others in relevant ways.

When good opportunities arise, you will be ready to talk about your range of skills. Putting the spotlight on your best facets can lead to social confidence and success. There is no substitute for solid preparation and rehearsal. A handy way to put it all together is at Presenting Yourself Well (a free planning page).

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Magic of Positive Thinking

Yes, there is magic in positive thinking! In aviation, the word attitude means the angle at which the plane meets the wind, whether the wings are level with the horizon, and whether it is climbing or descending. The pilot who fails to take responsibility for the attitude of his aircraft is in serious trouble.

And likewise, any person who has not taken charge of his or her own beliefs and attitudes runs a similar risk. The key to cultivating and maintaining a positive mental attitude is to take control of your thinking and avoid negative minded people. It’s a challenging task to develop a calm, focused mind, but well worth the effort.

Every setback and failure you experience also comes with a great opportunity. When one door closes, a window of possibility opens. The key is to look for the opportunity and avoid dwelling on failure. Think thoughts of defeat and you are bound to feel defeated. Your attitude is not determined by circumstances, but by how you respond to those circumstances. Your mind determines your attitude; you always have the choice to respond either positively or negatively. What happens to a person is less important than what happens within them.

The great inventor, Thomas A. Edison, was known for his positive mental attitude. In December 1914, the Edison Laboratory in West Orange, New Jersey, was almost entirely destroyed by fire. Edison lost $2,000,000 worth of equipment and the records of much of his life’s work. The morning after the fire, as the 67-year-old inventor walked among the ashes, he was anything but defeated. Looking around, he remarked, “There is great value in disaster. All our mistakes are burned up. Thank God we can start anew.” Yes, there is magic in a positive attitude!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dare to be

When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully.

When there is darkness, dare to be the first to shine a light.

When there is injustice, dare to be the first to condemn it.

When something seems difficult, dare to do it anyway.

When life seems to beat you down, dare to fight back.

When there seems to be no hope, dare to find some.

When you're feeling tired, dare to keep going.

When times are tough, dare to be tougher.

When love hurts you, dare to love again.

When someone is hurting, dare to help them heal.

When another is lost, dare to help them find the way.

When a friend falls, dare to be the first to extend a hand.

When you cross paths with another, dare to make them smile.

When you feel great, dare to help someone else feel great too.

When the day has ended, dare to feel as you've done your best.

Dare to be the best you can -

At all times, Dare to be!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Your Best Year

--- Eduardo Dominguez

Like in everything we do, in life there is not a second chance; every moment, either we lose or win! Everything is mental; we bring to our life what we think about most of the time.

The road has two ways, one toward light and other toward darkness. Life is a choice! Everything and Everybody starts from zero; it is your choice in what place you finish. If we accept mental poverty, all kinds of poverty is what we get.

Change your attitude to win now! Be happy and relaxed, regardless of any circumstance. Always focus only on the solutions; don't let anybody rob you of your happiness. Don't allow challenges or circumstances to defeat you.

Do the right thing. Demand from yourself whatever it takes to win - clarity, focus, effort, persistence, sacrifice, discipline, passion, and love - not just to survive but also to win!

Life is a give and take; we stop receiving as soon as we stop giving the best of us!! That's the balance of life!!! If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. Every tomorrow you will do even better. Yes you can!

Yes you can do this. Make this year 2011 your year; just you have to believe in you.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Be the master of your mouth

- shared by Ms. Rekha Nelly

Once upon a time an old man spread rumors that his neighbor was a thief. As a result, the young man was arrested.

Days later the young man was proven innocent.

After been released he sued the old man for wrongly accusing him.

In court the old man told the Judge: 'They were just comments, didn't harm anyone..'

The judge, before passing sentence on the case, told the old man: 'Write all the things you said about him on a piece of paper. Cut them up and on the way home, throw the pieces of paper out. Tomorrow, come back to hear the sentence.'

The next day, the judge told the old man: 'Before receiving the sentence,you will have to go out and gather all the pieces of paper that you threw out yesterday.'

The old man said: 'I can't do that! The wind spread them and I won't know where to find them.'

The judge then replied: 'The same way, simple comments may destroy the honor of a man to such an extent that one is not able to fix it."If you can't speak well of someone, rather don't say anything"

'Let's all be masters of our mouths, so that we won't be slaves of our words.'