Sunday, April 1, 2012

Fuel your life with passion

No matter how beautiful or sophisticated an automobile is, it will never be in motion unless it is fueled. Cars were built to run on fuel, and until that is done nothing else will make them function normally. The engine will not even start, talk less of moving; every one knows that. What every one does not know however is that in life, in order to advance meaningfully, there is a need to fuel your passion.

Everybody was born with a passion for one thing or the other. Unfortunately, many people are yet to discover in full their area of passion but that notwithstanding, they still do have latent passion for something waiting to be discovered.

"Where Your Passion Goes, Your Life Flows"

Personal conversations that reveal and connect you to your passion in order to unleash your personal power and live your best life.

Passion is your life fuel. When you are lacking passion, life gets upside-down.

Having a hard life is defined by each person. It could mean that it’s difficult to get through the day. Or it might mean illness, injury, trauma or even unexpected life disasters.

The good news is that these are all signs that invite you to experience a new level of personal power.

You see, many people think that being confused, in challenging situations or even in toxic relationships is a bad thing… and that’s not true. These are simply signs that it’s time to seek a new life state. And you know it because you aren’t able to access or feel your passion.

The simplest explanation is that passion is life. That means that, like any life form, passion will always try to flow. But when it is blocked, unexpressed or unacknowledged, it will create constricted results, like illness, injury, confusion, emotional trauma or other personal power imbalances.

Just like water that gets dammed, clogged or blocked, neglected passion will overflow into other areas in unexpected ways. These are simply energy imbalances which signal that it’s time to create change in your life. Once balanced, you are living in wellness, health, alignment AND abundance.

It’s time to feel your passion so you can make decisions from your personal power.

Your passion is your guide to new results in your life and business.

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