Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Build The Dream

Attempting to live our life by our own design… is certainly no small feat. Often it means doing without… in the short term. It can mean going against the grain. Even meeting with some pretty serious opposition from folks that say that it just can't be done...

With all that said, it is still one of the most rewarding things that a person can ever achieve. You see, once we start to make little gains in our own lives we begin to believe in ourselves more. Suddenly, what we may have viewed as undo-able now doesn't appear so far out of our realm of possibility. There's a famous quote that says "A man's mind once stretched can never return to its original form". The quote does a brilliant job of illustrating the importance of going for our dreams.

While it's true that we're never guaranteed success in our efforts, we can certainly take comfort in knowing that even if we fall flat on our face we'll still gain *incredible* life experiences and increase our knowledge (thus getting us closer to our eventual goals)! When I look at it in that light it almost makes me want to fail as many times as I can... knowing that each time I'll get a bit closer in my efforts :-)

The next time you're faced with the question, "What if I fail", turn that question around and ask yourself, "But what if I succeed?"

The simple truth is that we have very little to lose with regards to our potential rewards.

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