Monday, November 29, 2010

Winning Attitude

"If you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."  - Henry Ford

Athletes have used positive visualization for years. If it works for athletes, it will work for us, too. You see, we always move toward what we focus on. Just like skiing and driving a car. If we are focused on an object down the hill or road, we are sure to hit it. Success is a state of mind that anyone can use to climb his or her own personal mountains.

A person who enjoys life connects with their inner need for personal affirmation. An optimistic outlook models genuine human pleasure, something many of us find in short supply. To feel good is not a selfish emotion. Instead, it is a necessary emotion if you wish to be highly productive. A personal sense of well-being and contentment is a worthy, often overlooked goal. To learn to think positively we need to become aware of all our thoughts. Many times we are unaware of having negative thoughts. It is only when we become aware that we can proceed to eliminate the negatives. Once aware, write them down and do a reality check. Frequently, these
thoughts have no validity. We can now go on to replace these non-truths with positive affirmations. For example, "I am a capable person."; "I can learn from my mistakes."; "People like me for who I am." With positive affirmations, we can avoid taking insults, rudeness, sarcasm or criticism personally. The positive attitude helps us avoid stress. Others will enjoy our company.

With awareness, thought and practice, we can also learn to phrase all of our statements in a positive way. Rather than, "We don't fight," we can learn to say, "We do things peacefully." We can also learn to focus on positives and things we can control. Avoiding things we cannot influence reduces stress and wasted effort. Find, acknowledge, and celebrate the good things others do. This encourages more of the same behavior and replaces those behaviors we want to eliminate. This works particularly well with our children. Our kids don't mimic just our words and actions. They also pick up on our attitude.

You have, no doubt, heard the old glass "half-full" vs. "half-empty" paradigm. I am also sure you know someone who is so negative they feel they would probably hate the taste anyway. These people are the ones we need to avoid as much as possible. It is easier to maintain a positive outlook if we surround ourselves with others with the same outlook on life. One of the best aspects of proactive behavior is that we do not have to pass on any of the negativism that comes our way. We can stop reactive behavior by replacing it with proactive behavior. We
consciously choose the character we want to exhibit. Proactive people create their own sunshine. Their attitude is larger than the mood around them.

Happiness is an internal state of mind.

What can you do to charge your life with a positive outlook? You can change your life by changing the way you think about life:

1. Focus on what you have, not what you don't have.

2. Believe in yourself. Have a "can do" attitude.

3. Emphasize your strengths.

Be realistically positive. Try to create an image using as many senses as possible. Get feedback from the real world. Do your visualizations first thing in the morning and last thing before sleep when your mind is most susceptible to suggestion. Life management begins with mind management. Your thoughts form your world.

“You are what you think about. All you are, arises from your thoughts. With your thoughts, you make your world."  - The Buddha.

Good luck!

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